Newsletter-June 2023

New Patient-Generated Hypotheses Journal

We are excited to present our project, the Patient-Generated Hypotheses Journal, aimed to prioritize research topics that are most relevant to patients with Long COVID and associated chronic conditions. Our new publication highlights the immense talent pool of patients drawing from our diverse professional and scientific backgrounds, lived experiences, and expertise in synthesizing existing research.

Our first issue highlights six hypotheses and two poll results on Long COVID and associated conditions. Read our full issue for the hypotheses, process, and the incredible patient-panel behind this project. We encourage you to share this widely and build upon our work!

Take Our COVID Re-infections Survey

COVID-19 reinfections are increasingly frequent because of how the virus behind it is changing and adapting, how people’s immune systems respond, and how precautions to prevent transmission have been progressively lifted. A team of PLRC researchers with first-hand experience of Long COVID is addressing this gap in public health knowledge.

The survey is open to individuals worldwide. You do not need to have had Long COVID or COVID to participate. Those under the age of 18 must have an adult complete it on their behalf. It should take about 30 minutes to complete.

Our survey will provide insight into the implications of COVID-19 reinfections on health and quality of life, with a particular focus on Long COVID. For more information, visit our FAQ or contact

Thank You

We thank ALL of the patient community and our study participants for making our work possible, for trusting us with your Long COVID experiences and donating data to drive evidence-based science. Stay tuned for another email update from the collaborative!

Hannah Wei and the PLRC team | @patientled

© 2023 Patient-Led Research Collaborative