Donate to PLRC

Please consider making a donation through our fiscal sponsor using the PayPal donate button below (tax-deductible). Your contributions will go towards running future studies, conducting analysis, publishing our findings to the public, patient advocacy, and strengthening Long COVID research!

PLRC is fiscally-sponsored by Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs (SEE) Inc (EIN 95-4116679).

Where do the funds go?

Currently all of our funds are earmarked for specific research projects. With more financial support, we envision three high-priority areas that can scale up our impact in the next 1-3 years.

Area:OperationsScience CommunicationAdvocacy & Partnerships
Capacity NeedsSupport current PLRC leadership in building a patient-led org! With more funding, we can hire more disabled people to support org operations, legal, development, accounting and payroll. This will also allow us to train more patient representatives, do more of our own research, and engage on more research collaborations with external partners.Support a part-time science communicator for our website and newsletter, a part-time social media expert to engage with our audience on facebook, twitter, and instagram, and a part-time professional video editor. Support current PLRC members in new advocacy and organizational efforts and expand on existing advocacy work with multiple partners across government sectors.
Future ImpactWe plan to be a sustainable patient-led organization where patient contributors can thrive with dignity. With more operational capacity, we plan to expand on our patient-led fund, patient-generated hypothesis and patient-led governance model.We would like to form a funded science communication team to coordinate ongoing patient engagement with disabled and BIPOC communities. We would like to transform our website into a patient-led resource.We would like to continue to advocate for policies that improve outcomes for people with Long COVID and associated conditions, focusing specifically on financial support and additional research.
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